My Items
COMO - TEST Photo 01 (1)

The more you collect, the more value you unlock, including exclusive products and experiences! For every Ten (10) player cards purchased in December you will receive:

• A signed home jersey by the player of your choice
• Two Tribuna tickets to a January / February match of your choice
Più cards raccogli, più vantaggi accumuli, inclusi prodotti ed esperienze esclusive! Per ogni dieci (10) player cards acquistate nel mese di dicembre riceverete:

• Una maglia da gioco autografata da un giocatore a vostra scelta
• Due biglietti di Tribuna per una partita di gennaio/febbraio a vostra scelta

Stripe Account Foundation (2)

This goes to foundation account

Stripe Account Entertainment (2)

This is for stripe account payment testing

Stripe Account Foundation (98)

This goes to foundation account

Stripe Account Entertainment (98)

This is for stripe account payment testing

TEST CHECK Account (1)

This is for account switch test

TEST CHECK Account (99)

This is for account switch test

TEST 04 - BEER & CHEER (1)

Have a great tasting experience.

TEST 04 - BEER & CHEER (99)

Have a great tasting experience.

TEST 01 - Beer & Cheer (1)

Beer tasting will include selections from Como 1907s brewery and be hosted in the VIP hospitality section of the stadium after the game (approximately 30 mins).

Abildgaard will make an appearance at the end of the tasting to sign the personalized jerseys and collectible cards.

  • Personalized jersey (see black jersey worn by Abildgaard in the attached photo)
  • Abildgaard Collectible card

TEST 01 - Beer & Cheer (99)

Beer tasting will include selections from Como 1907s brewery and be hosted in the VIP hospitality section of the stadium after the game (approximately 30 mins).

*Abildgaard will make an appearance at the end of the tasting to sign the personalized jerseys and collectible cards.

  • Personalized jersey (see black jersey worn by Abildgaard in the attached photo)
  • Abildgaard Collectible card

All proceeds from the sale of Beer & Cheer will be donated to a local non-profit foundation, Quelli Che ...Con Luca that conducts valuable research to combat childhood leukemia.

*Como 1907 has the right to change the player due to unforeseen circumstances.

TEST 02 - Beer & Cheer (100)

Have a great beer-tasting experience with us

TEST - Beer & Cheer (1)

Have a great Beer tasting experience with our player

TEST - Beer & Cheer (99)

Have a great Beer tasting experience with our player

Beer and Cheer Testing (2)

This collection is for testing purpose

Digital Collectible TEST 07 (1)

Digital Collectible TEST 07

Beer and Cheer Testing (2)

This collection is for testing purpose

Beer and Cheer Como Testing (1)

This is for testing purpose

Beer and Cheer Como Testing (99)

This is for testing purpose

Beer and Cheer Testing (1)

This collection is for testing purpose